Everyone knows the feeling….the dread of Monday, the attempts to make Sunday night last as long as humanly possible, the inability to open our eyes early Monday morning..and yet each of us shows up on time for work.

How do we do it?  What motivates us to roll out of our warm beds, turn on the extraordinarily bright lights and start getting ready for work?  It’s knowing that today could be THE awesome day, the day where everything goes just right.

So what is my awesome day at the dental office?  It’s coming into the office at 7:45 a.m. and realizing someone has already made a coffee run.  It’s looking at the schedule of the day and realizing that each scheduled patient is a good friend.  It’s nailing that perfect x-ray, taking a beautiful impression, and overcoming my “inner Klutz” by not dropping anything.  Essentially, an awesome day at the office is whatever we make it to be.. that perfect, feel-good day that empowers us as individuals and makes us feel like we can conquer the world.  So what is a day like at Guiltinan Family Dentistry?  AWESOME!



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